Introduction to Python

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Introduction to Python

Introduction to Python, A versatile and Powerful Language;

Hello python Learner! In this post you will learn Introduction of Python programming language, here you learn some important and basic about this language, such as what is Python, who created Python language, what is python used for, why is python is important etc. all about Introduction to Python. So, let’s start the learning!

What is Python?

Python is one of the most popular programming language, it is high-level, interpreted, and general-purpose language. Python emphasizes code readability and a clean syntax, making easy to write and understand. It was created by “Guido Van Rossum” in 1991.

Who created Python?

Python programming language was created by “Guido Van Rossum”. He begin working on Python in the late 1980, and the first version, Python 0.9.0, was released in February 1991.

What is Python used for;

Python is a versatile programming language used for a wide range of applications. Some of the commonly used of python are include below;

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine
  • Web Development
  • Data Analysis and Visualization
  • Automation and Scripting
  • Scientific Computing
  • Game Development
  • Network Programming
  • Desktop Application
  • Internet of Things (IoT)

Introduction to Python

Why Python?

  • Easy to Read and Write: Python’s syntax is designed to be clear and concise, resembling natural language as much as possible. This readability reduces the learning curve and allows programmers to express their ideas effectively.
  • Versatility: Python is a general-purpose language, which means it can be used for a vast array of applications. From web development to data analysis, artificial intelligence to scripting, Python has got you covered.
  • Large Community and Rich Ecosystem: Python boasts a thriving community of developers, which means you’ll find ample support, documentation, and libraries. The Python Package Index (PyPI) hosts an extensive collection of open-source packages that simplify complex tasks.
  • Beginner-Friendly: Python’s simplicity and gentle learning curve make it a great language for beginners. Its high-level nature allows newcomers to focus on problem-solving without getting bogged down in intricate technicalities.

Hello, Python!

Let’s start with the classic “Hello, World!” program to get a feel for Python’s straightforward syntax.

print(“Hello, Python!”)

Congratulations! You’ve just written your first Python program. The print() function is used to display the specified message on the screen. In Python 3, print is a function, which means you enclose the text in parentheses.

Just look one more programming example;

name = "Shbuham"
age = 25

In above programming we used integer and string data type to print name and age. And print function is used to print the information.


So, in this post you have learned basic about the Python, some basic programming examples, introduction to Python, who developed python etc. In next part you will learn some important and interesting about the python programming language.

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