Python Logical Operators

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Python Logical Operators

Python Logical Operators: A Comprehensive Guide

Logical operators are fundamental components of any programming language, and Python is no exception. They allow you to make decisions in your code based on conditions and create complex logical expressions. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore Python Logical Operators, including and, or, and not, and provide programming examples to illustrate their usage.

Understanding Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to manipulate boolean values (True or False). Python provides three main logical operators:

  • Logical AND (and): The and operator returns True if both operands are True, otherwise, it returns False.
  • Logical OR (or): The or operator returns True if at least one of the operands is True, otherwise, it returns False.
  • Logical NOT (not): The not operator returns the opposite boolean value of its operand. If the operand is True, not returns False, and if the operand is False, not returns True.

Python Logical Operators

Logical AND (and)

Let’s start with the and operator. It is commonly used to combine multiple conditions in an if statement.

Programming Example;

# Example 1
x = 5
y = 10
if x > 0 and y < 20:
    print("Both conditions are True.")
    print("At least one condition is False.")


Both conditions are True.

In this example, the if statement checks if both x > 0 and y < 20
are True, and since they are, the code inside the if block is executed.

Logical OR (or)

The or operator is useful when you want to execute a block of code if at least one condition is True.

Programming Example;

# Example 2
age = 25
if age < 18 or age >= 65:
    print("You are either under 18 or 65 and older.")
    print("You are between 18 and 65.")


You are between 18 and 65.

In this example, the if statement checks if age is less than 18 or greater
than or equal to 65. Since neither condition is True, the else block is executed.

Logical NOT (not)

The not operator is used to negate a boolean value. This operator returns True if the operand is False.

Programming Example;

# Example 3
is_student = True
if not is_student:
    print("You are not a student.")
    print("You are a student.")


You are a student.

In this example, the if statement checks if is_student
is True. However, we use not to reverse the value, so the else block is executed because not is_student is False.

Combining Logical Operators

You can also combine logical operators to create more complex conditions.


# Example 4
x = 10
y = 5
z = 20
if x > y and y < z:
    print("x is greater than y, and y is less than z.")
    print("The conditions are not met.")


x is greater than y, and y is less than z.

In this example, the if statement uses both and operators to check if x > y
and y < z
are both True.


Python’s logical operators (and, or, and not) are essential tools for creating conditional statements and making decisions in your code. Understanding how these operators work and how to combine them can help you write more complex and effective programs. So, in this tutorial you understood Python Logical Operators, I hope you have learned this welled. But if you have any doubt then you can ask in the comment section.

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