Python Interview Question and Answer

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Python Interview Question

Python Interview Question and Answer

In this blog post, we will discuss Java programming interview questions with answers based in 2023, (Java Interview Question with Answer), here we have provided you with top 30 questions and answers related to Java programming language, which are asked in interview. If you go for an interview in any IT sector company, then all these questions are definitely asked. That’s why we have prepared top 30 questions and answers for you on this blog related Java Programming Language.

About Python:

Python is a popular high-level programming language that was first released in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. It is designed to be easy to read and write, with a syntax that emphasizes code readability and simplicity. Python is widely used for a variety of purposes, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and more. It is known for its large and active community, which has contributed to a wide variety of libraries and tools that make Python even more powerful and versatile.

Python Interview Questions

Python Interview Question and Answer (2023)

Question 1. What is Python and why is it useful?

Answer: Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language used for a variety of applications, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. Python is useful because it has a simple syntax, is easy to learn, and has a large number of libraries and tools available for developers.


Question 2. What is PEP 8?

Answer: PEP 8 is a style guide for Python code. It provides guidelines for writing readable, maintainable code that conforms to community standards.


Question 3. What is the difference between a list and a tuple?

Answer: Lists are mutable, meaning their contents can be changed, while tuples are immutable, meaning their contents cannot be changed once they are created.


Question 4. What is the difference between a function and a method in Python?

Answer: A function is a block of reusable code that can be called from other parts of the program. A method is a function that is associated with an object, and can be called on that object.


Question 5. What is a decorator in Python?

Answer: A decorator is a special type of function that can be used to modify the behavior of another function or class.


Question 6. What is the difference between the ‘is’ and ‘==’ operators in Python?

Answer: The ‘is’ operator checks if two variables refer to the same object, while the ‘==’ operator checks if two variables have the same value.


Question 7. What is a lambda function in Python?

Answer: A lambda function is a small, anonymous function that can be used as a shortcut for writing simple functions.


Question 8. What is a generator in Python?

Answer: A generator is a type of iterable, similar to a list or a tuple, that allows you to iterate over a sequence of values. However, unlike lists and tuples, generators do not store all the values in memory at once, which makes them more memory-efficient for large datasets.


Question 9. What is the purpose of the init method in a Python class?

Answer: The init method is a special method that is called when an object of a class is created. It is used to initialize the object’s attributes.

Question 10. What is the difference between instance, class, and static methods in Python?

Answer: Instance methods are methods that are called on an instance of a class, and have access to the instance’s attributes. Class methods are methods that are called on a class, and have access to the class’s attributes. Static methods are methods that are called on a class, but do not have access to the class’s attributes.

Python Interview Questions

Question 11. What is the difference between a shallow copy and a deep copy in Python?

Answer: A shallow copy creates a new object that references the original object’s memory location, while a deep copy creates a new object with its own memory location that is a copy of the original object.


Question 12. What is the purpose of the ‘yield’ keyword in Python?

Answer: The ‘yield’ keyword is used to create a generator function that can return a sequence of values, one at a time, without having to generate the entire sequence upfront.


Question 13. What is the purpose of the ‘pass’ statement in Python?

Answer: The ‘pass’ statement is a placeholder statement that does nothing. It is used when a statement is required syntactically but no action is needed.


Question 14. What is a module in Python?

Answer: A module is a file containing Python code that can be imported into another Python script.


Question 15. What is the purpose of the ‘if name == “main”:’ statement in Python?

Answer: The ‘if name == “main”:’ statement is used to indicate that a script should only be executed if it is being run as the main program, rather than being imported as a module into another script.


Python Interview Question and Answer

Question 16. What is the purpose of the ‘try’ and ‘except’ statements in Python?

Answer: The ‘try’ and ‘except’ statements are used for error handling in Python. Code that might raise an exception is put inside a ‘try’ block, and if an exception occurs, it is caught by an ‘except’ block and handled appropriately.


Question 17. What is a dictionary in Python?

Answer: A dictionary is an unordered collection of key-value pairs, where each key must be unique.


Question 18. What is a set in Python?

Answer: A set is an unordered collection of unique elements.


Question 19. What is the difference between a while loop and a for loop in Python?

Answer: A while loop is used to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a certain condition is true, while a for loop is used to iterate over a sequence of values, such as a list or a tuple.

Question 20. What is the purpose of the ‘with’ statement in Python?

Answer: The ‘with’ statement is used to automatically release resources when they are no longer needed, such as closing a file after it has been read.

Python Interview Questions

Question 21. What is the purpose of the ‘global’ keyword in Python?

Answer: The ‘global’ keyword is used to indicate that a variable should be treated as a global variable, rather than a local variable.


Question 22. What is the purpose of the ‘super()’ function in Python?

Answer: The ‘super()’ function is used to call a method in a parent class from a subclass.


Question 23. What is a coroutine in Python?

Answer: A coroutine is a specialized type of generator that can be used to write asynchronous code.


Question 24. What is the purpose of the ‘async’ and ‘await’ keywords in Python?

Answer: The ‘async’ and ‘await’ keywords are used to write asynchronous code in Python using coroutines.


Question 25. What is the purpose of the ‘zip’ function in Python?

Answer: The ‘zip’ function is used to combine multiple lists into a single list of tuples, where each tuple contains one element from each list.


Question 26. What is the purpose of the ‘map’ function in Python?

Answer: The ‘map’ function is used to apply a function to each element in a sequence, such as a list or a tuple.


Question 27. What is the purpose of the ‘filter’ function in Python?

Answer: The ‘filter’ function is used to create a new sequence by filtering out elements from an existing sequence that do not meet a certain condition.


Question 28. What is the purpose of the ‘reduce’ function in Python?

Answer: The ‘reduce’ function is used to apply a function to pairs of elements in a sequence, reducing the sequence to a single value.


Question 29. What is a module namespace in Python?

Answer: A module namespace is a dictionary containing the names defined by a module, including functions, variables, and classes.

Question 30. What is a package in Python?

Answer: A package is a collection of modules that can be used to organize related functionality in a project. Packages can be nested, allowing for complex hierarchies of modules.

Python Interview Questions


So, you learned here Top 30 Python Interview Question and Answer, all these questions are very important, if you are from IT sector. I hope you have understood all questions and answers very well and if you have any doubt, regarding it then you can ask in the comment section.

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1 Comment

tlover tonet · May 7, 2024 at 6:47 am

I respect your work, regards for all the great articles.

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